Egg retrieval ✔️ now the wait, well one of many waits 😬


Out of 20 follicles they got 9 eggs and 5 fertilized 🥳 we had to freeze all because I was on the cusp of developing OHSS so hopefully that we have a good chance when we do the transfers 🤞🏻🍀

I never want to go through egg retrieval again.. well if I had to I would but I really hope I don’t! The retrieval part I was completely under but afterwards was a beating! I’ve never experienced pain in that part of my body.. if that’s similar to how cramps feel (I’ve never experienced them so idk if it’s similar, just assuming), I feel for those women that do experience them 🥺 Also I envy anyone who didn’t experience any pain after egg retrieval, I’m only sharing my experience so others are prepared for their big day.

•I wore comfy clothes and had an overnight bag ready as our dr said there’s a very low chance you can stay over night if there’s complications, but better to be prepared IMO.

•I wish I had worn slip on shoes

•husband had ibuprofen in the car thankfully, where we are they don’t really do pain meds.. the dr would have given me some if I didn’t have ibuprofen though..

•the worst pain was when my ever so wonderful husband would make me laugh.... when I started crying he felt horrible so I scored some flowers as an apology 😂 so make sure whoever is with you knows not to make you laugh.. for the record the pain was mostly gone the next morning.. just a little sore but I can go walk the dogs and do everything normally.

•our dr said a heat pad was fine after retrieval and it did help.. BUT ask your dr before doing this or taking OTC pains meds, everyone’s different!

Oh and just FYI we had a cancelled cycle in January because I was a poor responder, started again in February so don’t lose hope if you have a cancelled cycle!! I know it sucks but hang in there!

Good luck everyone! 🍀🍀🍀