39 weeks exactly... got induced... cholestasis


UPDATE: one month later 🤣

I never got to update this post and finish my birth/ labor story. I left off when the balloon fell out and I was just playing the waiting game. I was finally able to get my epidural ( thank god) and started a very low dose of pitocin after. ( we never got to the point of needing to raise the pitocin up) all of that happened around 11 pm and I was still at a 5.

Come the next morning around 7:30 am my doctor came and broke my water... I was still a 5 at this point. I felt great and was thinking maybe we would have the baby later that evening... I guess 7 pm ( 🤦🏼‍♀️)

Around 9:30 am I was checked again... still a 5 and I believe I was 50-70 percent effaced. Also around that time I started to feel the contractions again so I asked to have my epidural raised. This was done very soon after.

My mom dad and sister came to visit me around 10:00 am. We were just hanging out talking when around 10:30 am my.l nurse came in and said she was going to check me again ( 1 hour after her last one) because she noticed the baby’s heart rate dropping,

When she checked she was shocked and was like ummm I can’t find your cervix anymore you’re complete!! I went from a 5-10 in one hour!!! Thank you god for the epidural I probably would have died!!!

They immediately started prepping me to push!!

I pushed for 40 minutes and our little Archie was here!!

Archie Michael

7 lbs 4.5 ounces!


Well this was a turn of events!

I was tested for cholestasis at 37 weeks And my levels came back fine... but itching continued and got extremely worse.

After my 38 weeks appointment I got my blood drawn again to check if anything changed.

Morning I turned 39 weeks I got the call at 7 am but I did indeed have cholestasis and I needed to get to the hospital to get induced...

What a day! I was completely closed with no progress. Our doctor decided to start off with cytotec to get the process going. I did one dose of that. Felt contractions right away but we’re not painful. After the 2 hours I was told I couldn’t get another dose because I was contracting too much and the doctor decided to switch to the balloon method. Holy cow did things escalate!!

I went from a 0-5 in about 5-6 hours. The balloon fell out at the 6th hour ( thank god) the contracts were excruciating. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to take them much longer, I wanted my epidural but couldn’t get it until the balloon came out.

When I was checked after the baloon I was a 5 and we decided to get the epidural before we start pitocin.


Currently resting with the peanut ball and so anxious and curious when this boy will arrive!