I can't sleep... long.. 😬


I woke up to feed the baby and I cant shut off my brain. We have a situation that is bugging me. A few months ago I let my nephews girlfriend move in. She got kicked out and we had enough room. He pays like 300 a month for rent... no big deal. So one of the things we talked about was him starting school, I don't care for what but something by spring. Hasn't even tried. I'm probably biased at this point but since she came they sleep til 12 or later some days and honestly they don't really pitch in much. Nephew works 3 12s, so shes here alone those days. He/She will take the trash out because she smokes 😒 she tried to do dishes one day, which was nice and I thanked her for but they were not clean, they were still greasy. Ok fine... I washed them again. He had to be reminded for like 4 days to clean their shared bathroom... my 13 yo cleaned it the previous time. Etc. (They are late teens/ nephew is 20 so I feel like this should not be so difficult) She drinks my coffee but doesn't replace the pods or coffee or creamer 🙄 ok that's just me being a brat... but she rubs me the wrong way. The last straw is our dog... my nephew loves the dumbass and shes not really a pet person. She says he stinks, tells him to get away etc. Wellllll he was sleeping with them at night and 90% of the time I let him out when we get up. Theres been a few days when I have both babies and I just figured she will hear us and let him out. But no, I go back up and let him out or sometimes I wait for her. The thing is he peed on a blanket and now she said hes not allowed in there. It really bothered me. It's not his fault he peed and if shes gonna be here I don't think the responsibility she fall solely on me to let him out and feed him and take care of him. I'm also not saying it is all on her... I don't know what I am saying. He doesn't sleep with us because the babies are up often and then hes up and it drives me crazy because he doesn't just lay down. Plus it was never a problem before. Hes 6 almost 7 and this is the first time hes peed on any blanket. I was mad last night and told my husband that maybe its time for her to go... he said it's on me what I do. They both work but if they moved out I don't think they could afford it. He also drives my car but pays for it most months plus insurance. I think if I am too harsh they might leave. A) do I put my foot down B) do I let it go and let him back in with us or C) do I make them (her)move out ... if you made it this far thanks... I just want some opinions before I actually get mad or if this is something to be mad about. Picture of the dumbass for attention... hes pretty darn cute even though he drives me crazy 😂🙃 I forgot to add that my nephew has been with us for 5 almost 6 years,so it's his dog too... He's not actually my dog at all.🙃