Dairy free? Reflux baby


My son is miserable. He screams 75 per cent of the day and night. He refuses to nap or sleep at night unless he's held. It usually takes half an hour of rocking for him to fall asleep. He will not fall asleep on his own. We thought he just had bad collic but discovered it's reflux. Until it's under control I can't even think about trying to sleep train.

I'm ready to pull my hair out. He's so challenging that I've actually peed my pants three times in the last month because I'm chained to him and it's so time consuming. I feel like a failure. I haven't had a moment to myself in months.

For the last three weeks he's been up every 45 minutes at night. Last night he was up every half an hour from 8 until 11:30. He screamed from 11:30-2:45. He's inconsolable. Tears stream from his eyes.

He's on medication. I have talked to his doctor yesterday and we've put up his medication. We go back in two weeks to reevaluate. He's EBF and I just purchased dairy free, soy free, gluten free products and I'm ready to see if going dairy free will help. Just wondering how long it took others who have gone dairy free to notice if it made a difference. Or if there is anything else I should be eliminating from my diet.