Just broke up with my fiancé...really need some support right now

Last night I broke things off with my fiancé, we’ve been together for 5 year, since we were 17. We built our lives up as one, got our own place, car, we literally share everything, phone bills, bank accounts. Half of me is dying and I can’t cope right now. Long story short. This has to get done. He is an amazing man who has so much potential and loves me so much....I just don’t love him like that anymore and it’s been a harsh reality for me to face. For the past year we’ve been trying to get that spark back, I’ve forced myself to love him in a romantic way, when reality is I just don’t anymore. In very very very simple terms, I love him as my best friend and life partner, not in a romantic way. How could I stay with someone I don’t love in that way? It killed me not having that attraction to him, it killed me to slightly pull away when we would try to kiss me. It killed me that all the love he showed me I didn’t feel. I have accepted that he deserves more. He deserves someone who can give him the love he is giving, someone to match his energy, in all honestly, I just see our lives going In different directions too. I feel so guilty being with him and not giving him the love and appreciation he deserves. I’ve tried to force myself, but no one should have to force that and no one should be with someone who feels they need to force their love. This is more than just “putting in effort” this was me trying to force a feeling that just doesn’t exist inside me anymore. We’ve tried everything even counseling, I just don’t love him that way 💔 but my love for him as a soul will never change. We have faced so many hardships together and have overcome so many things. From not having a place to live early on , to dealing with me being taped, to having custody of my god kids from when we were 18-20. We have lived a whole life together in these 5 short years. He is my other half and that’s why I am accepting that he deserves so much more than what I can offer 💔 he doesn’t understand this (rightfully so) he can’t even look at me anymore and it’s killing me 💔 he was hysterically crying screaming he can’t live without me and he needs me. How do I stay strong? There is no way we can go back from this. The decision is made, now how the hell so I get through this alive 😫 I don’t have anyone. I have one friend (literally) and no family. He is my family💔 us and our 2 cats, how do I survive this 💔