Tmi... 5 weeks and 6 days ... just left ER UPDATED!!!!!!!


I went to the ER this morning, last Thursday I started getting pink spotting, it would come ang go. Dr did hcg test Friday which was 7,536. Today the spotting came back but this time it was red and a lil more then usual so i panicked and ran to the ER

They did a pelvic=said cervix is closed and everything looks good

Blood hcg was 13,000 i dont know the exact number as doc just said it quickly

They also did a trans vaginal and trans abdominal ultrasound.. I have a tilted uterus. They found sace and baby. Baby measured at 5 weeks 6 days and heart rate was 107

They found no cause for the bleeding/spotting. Called it a threatened miscarriage and sent me on my way.

On my way home i felt 2 gushes of warm fluid , it was alot and soaked my pants. When i arrived home to my horror i found that those gushes were blood. I have no cramping and currently it seems to have stopped as fast as it came.

I was just at the hospital and they said everything looked good! Wtf! Should i call my ob and report the bleeding or wait it out? Im thinking maybe its from all the exams but wth.

Update: thanks ladies. Called ob. She thinks its a miscarriage :( she said numbers should be higher as well as heart rate should be higher and with all this bleeding just doesnt look good. They are doing repeat blood Thursday :( we tried for 15 months :(

Update #2!!!!! Omg idk whats going on! I had a ton of bleeding Tuesday that turned into more of just there when i wipe. Never developed cramping and still feel very much pregnant... blood hcg came back today at 24,000 something. They nearly doubled since Tuesday!! Doc says currently things look good. Ahhhhh. Pray for us ladies! Repeat blood Saturday then ultrasound Thursday to check on baby.