Putting to sleep drowsy


In all seriousness... how does one get a baby to sleep “when putting them down drowsy but awake”. That never happened once with my first baby... she’d scream until she threw up all the way into toddlerhood.. so we stopped even trying. This baby is a lot easier, sleeps good at night... but you cannot put her down “drowsy”. She also screams hysterically if you do... doesn’t matter if she’s just been fed, changed, and played out. If she wakes up at night she is able to put herself to sleep... but that initial putting to bed? No way. And naps she refuses to be put down, or she cries hysterically. She’s EBF, 13wks, and refuses all pacifiers. My curiosity is how you prevent them from the hysterical crying when putting them down drowsy....or are you letting them cry it out? (personally not for me)