Mother-in-law vent/rant


To preface, my MIL has a history of horribly overstepping her boundaries. For example, she invited two of her friends that I’d never met to our wedding without telling us (and no, she didn’t pay anything towards the wedding). So shes throwing us a baby shower for our family members to attend (my best friend is throwing us one for our friends). We’ve told her multiple times how much we appreciate her doing it. Today my SIL calls me to tell me that my MIL invited my SIL’s boyfriend (that she’s been dating for about four months)’s mother, that we’ve met once for about twenty minutes, to our family shower. My husband called her to ask her why on earth she would invite someone we don’t know to our family shower without asking us, and she turned it into “i can’t do anything right, you don’t trust me as a grandmother” acting like the victim bull crap. He tried to nicely explain to her how that was overstepping boundaries and she refused to listen. I just needed to vent. Anyone else have MILs without boundaries/how do you deal with that without pulling your hair out?!