Catheter made my peeing feel weird

Lauren • Had my sweet girl 02/22/20 - 5 weeks early due to rare genetic disorder💗 Had my handsome man 09/30/22 - 3 weeks early due to low birth weight💙

My first stay in the hospital to deliver my daughter, I had no issues going pee after the catheter after the first initial time, it just stung a little.

Recently I was back in the hospital because of preeclampsia and they had to do another catheter on me. Ever since then, my peeing feels really weird.

It doesn’t sting or hurt like a uti when I pee. It’s almost like my bladder feels uncomfortable right before I release the pee, and my pee doesnt just come out anymore. It almost feels like I have to push towards the end to get it all out.

Then afterward, when my bladders empty, my bladder like aches (it’s hard to describe) but it’s uncomfortable sitting down I can feel my bladder.

Also, my body doesn’t really tell me when I have to pee anymore. Like my bladder gets full but I can’t tell and I only know when I go to the bathroom and I pee a lot. Its been 3 days since the catheter. Is this normal?