Being a mom is fucking hard.


I was a teen mom 16 to be exact, unplanned pregnancy and his dad left me (he was older) I was kicked out briefly then moved back with my parents. Going to high school not trying to become a statistic and graduate. I was a jr trying to finish high school early before I had my son. When I brought that little boy home it was different ppd wasn’t as big as it is now but I’m pretty sure I had it, thank god my mother helped or else I’m not sure what I would have done the crying, not sleeping, all while my brain is still growing needing sleep trying to be a good mother to this baby. People judging since I didn’t have a job at the time, how old I was, all I knew was I loved this little boy and I’ll do the best I can. Fast forward to today I’m 27 with a 3 month old and it’s still just as hard the crying at night not sleeping all while working now, yes I don’t have to worry about financial issues but the pressure of being a good mom is still there. No matter what someone will judge you whether you’re old, young, have a job, you don’t, i realized no matter what the outcome I love both these little boys and will always do my best to raise them to become great men. ♥️