My SIS 19 & Pregnant


It’s official! I’m going to be an aunt! Now I know some of you moms who had kids past the age of maybe 23 will be a bit mad because she’s young. But honestly I don’t care because all I care about is her being happy. Now that that’s out of the way! I NEED HELP! I want to know what I can do and help with during her 1st trimester! She found out not to long ago only some of her family knows and I just want to be a good sister and help. So please comment what YOU wish someone had done for you when you announced/ found out you were pregnant. It would mean a lot! Please suggest tips and maybe a positive message for her to read when she comes over today. PLEASE PEOPLE I NEED YOUR HELP! Thank you 💋

P.S. she’s 19 scared and only like 3 peoples out of her huge family are being supportive. Well of course I’m one of the 3. ❤️