Any tips???


I now have to take insulin 3x a day. Morning 2 shots one is a fast acting insulin and the other is one that will kick in around lunch. Then I have to take one at bedtime. I don’t have any issues with the shots other than I can not give them to myself. 🤦‍♀️ I don’t know why but that’s just something I can’t do. I don’t even like to watch it. 🤣 So my husband gives me my shots. I am a stay at home mom and my husband has to leave early for work in the mornings. So I’ve been getting up early to eat and he gives me my shots. Not that it’s an inconvenience for me to get up early or anything, but Im getting more frustrated that I can’t give myself the shot and that I have to rely on him to give it to me. Is anyone else like this? Or was like this? Tips on how to get over this silly fear. 🤣 Maybe I’ll be over it towards the end of this pregnancy.🤷‍♀️ I am only 21 weeks so I have a bit to go.