Wedding help. Lots of questions


Hey guys, I have a bunch of questions. My fiance and I are planning to get married early next year, aiming for around 55ish people, hopefully low budget and kinda diy. Sorry for the length of the post.

We are planning on a rustic wedding. 2 weekends ago I had to go to a funeral and saw my cousin who i havent seen in like 10 years, she asked if I'm coming to her wedding and I said no. Mainly because I dont want to, its 3.5 hours away, I didnt know about it till an hour before when my mom told me. Well anyway she said shes going for a rustic wedding. I didn't tell her that's what we are planning too. My question.

- Is is weird we are having the same theme of a wedding??? Hers is in a barn and mine will hopefully be in a park day shelter. Also I have 3 friends also getting married. I dont think 2 of them have a clue what theme they want yet but the other one, hers is also low budget kinda country, low key too. I dont mind if hers is because the only one that'll see it is me since we are work friends. Any way question is...

-is rustic too popular?

-Is it wrong for the season? Before we were aiming mid spring early summer but now it's getting up to full on spring season.

-Also I dont feel like paying for someone to do my makeup and hair but I suck at it, nor do I really want to buy more makeup just for one day. I dont wear makeup every day so I find it stupid to buy more makeup than what I have If I'm never going to use it. With my hair, I have a dilemma. My hair is so straight and on the thin side that when I curl it, it falls flat in an hour. I don't want to risk that If one of my bridesmaids do it for me. So then I gotta get a professiona, right?

-Also I want my nails looking nice but getting them professionally done freaks me out. I don't want them poking me and using a drill. It just freaks me out. Is there a way I can get my nails done but not all that other stuff?

-I'm nervous about dress shopping. I hate my arms, I think my heads too small for my body, I'm plus sized, 5'1", I have eczema. Its partially inflamed right now but if I can get it down, itll look better, but I have pink discoloration (scars). I'm hoping I can reduce that with some tanning but I'm nervous. What should I expect when shopping? I'm keeping an open mind on what kind of dress I want. I don't want to really rule anything out because i find the things I rule out but end up trying are the ones I end up liking the most.

-can I go looking but not buy anything that day? I mean not wait a few months but just have some time to go over everything. I dont want to be pushed into buying something. It's a big deal, I dont wear dresses, I already don't think im going to look pretty, I just want a few days to think.

-since it's a small wedding, basically the majority of the guests are aged 40+ so I dont see them dancing much. I feel maybe we should have an activity for them to do. I don't want a photo booth but I did see the idea of using a gopro. Guests can leave messages, or take it on the dance floor or whatever. We dont have a gopro. Anyone have any other ideas? There will be no kids at the wedding either btw.

Okay I'll stop there for now. Anything will help thank you, sorry for the long post