My twins at 12w3d! 🤗❤

Kristina • Wifey to Big Cody 🧔. Mama to CJ. 💙👶🏽& fraternal twin girls, Elo and Avi! 👶🏽👶🏽 ❤❤

Bae (Baby A) is my little wriggle baby. Every time I have an ultrasound, the little ones always moving. We were able to get a 3D pic too! 😁

Baybee (Baby B) is my sweet, mellow, and chill child. Baybee doesn't move as much and their legs was stretched out.😅 Lol

I asked the ultrasound technician if she can find out the gender. However, she did not want to give me the wrong information. I tried looking hard myself, and it looks like Bae might be a boy, and Baybee looks like a girl.🤷🏾‍♀️ What are you guys think? ☺