Potty training?

Jullz ☀️

Anyone’s October 2017 baby potty trained yet? My daughter was hell to potty train and I was thinking that with my son it would be easier but I’m so lost.

He’s shown signs of readiness for a few months but everytime we start it always backfires on us. He hates having a dirty diaper and will take it off by himself as soon as there’s something in it, multiple times he’s woken up with a clean diaper after a nap, asks if he can sit on the potty.

I’ve tried taking a few days with him to stay home diaper free, introduced the potty which he’s fascinated by, had lots of liquids, and treats and it goes well but it never lasts. The next day he will play with toys or something and we notice he has a dirty diaper but he doesn’t acknowledge it until we ask him, and doesn’t want to use the potty at all.

Anyone else experiencing this?