Dear W

I don’t like to use the F word but now... I once said you should find inner peace, now I just hope you can just go fuck yourself... like seriously GO FUCK YOURSELF! I hope karma is gonna kick your balls big time this time! No doubt in my mind it was you and I that were lighting the way, but in the end you decided to go back to your delusional manipulative emotionally blackmailed ex again while I was fucking there for you all the time! What was hurting even more was I made you a CD with all the songs that reminded of us, together with a letter with the moments we shared.. I saved it in my bag till meeting you, but then you broke up on that day when meeting you... I still gave it to you, but don’t even know if you listened to it or just threw it in the trash bin. At the moments when you said “I love you” did you really mean it? And when I looked into your eyes... I did! It really hurts...but you know... I keep telling myself I’m better than her: I’m more fun than her, I have a better job than her, I earn much better financially than her no wait... earn better than both of you! I at least have fun hobbies like skateboarding & inline skating she has none, I can sing and she cannot, I like to bake and she can’t, I have a fucking car that I earned on my own, she has none... What else... well lots! So yeah go back to your foo-foo or whatever the fuck she is... You guys fit perfectly together, trash deserves trash! No fucks are given! 🖕