Trisomy 21 diagnosis


Hi, I am a 44 year old and I am pregnant with an adorable little girl. I found out early around 11 weeks that my NIPT results were 9/10 for downs and the amniocentesis confirmed it. I never thought once about terminating my baby. I'm just so ready to hold her and love on her. I was diagnosed with PCOS at an early age and struggled with infertility. I have a healthy 11 year old son, that was conceived with Clomid after only 4 months of trying, he was accompanied by a twin, but lost one to the Vanishing Twin Syndrome. This pregnancy was conceived unexpectedly, but naturally without and help but God. So I was like God put her here and only he can take her away! So far I am 26 weeks and she does have a very small hole in her heart, but she is growing very well. All of he measurements have been on point. The NT fold has decreased and she has no other characteristics; no club foot; her pinky is measuring perfectly and the femur is measuring perfectly. I am concerned about her heart, but I know she will fight and get through this. I'm just so happy and blessed to be carrying this precious little girl!