
brooke • girl mama💗💗

So I follow BLWBB on Facebook for baby led weaning and they say that you don’t have to cut up spaghetti noodles but you can if you want to. Well I posted my daughter eating spaghetti for the first time tonight and my boyfriend’s grandma of course says I need to cut her noodles in tiny pieces. His family literally judges my every move and tries telling me what to do. So I said that it’s okay to give noodles without cutting and that she did great eating and biting off pieces to chew. She didn’t choke or gag at all. I guess I won’t be posting anymore or updating “firsts” because people always have something to say. They don’t even want me feeding my daughter food yet and says she just needs purées. I said her doctor recommends blw and told me she can eat whatever we eat now. But of course they always have to try to be right. I just ignore and tell them I know what I’m doing, she’s my baby. Anyone else deal with this constantly?🤦🏼‍♀️ I just feel like I can’t be a mom or make decisions for my daughter. I’m also young (20) so it doesn’t make it any better. They treat me like I’m stupid when it comes to things. I follow blwbb for everything!