Cf in ultrasound question?

Samantha • Mommy of an angel boy 👼 💙🌈 and an earthside boy 🤰 expecting March 2023 👰 married 🐱🐱 fur-momma to two

So I have found out I am a carrier for cystic fribrosis. We are having issues getting the genetic appointment with the high risk Dr for my husband to get tested to see if he is also a carrier. I know it's unlikely for both of us to be carriers for the same genetic disorder, but I was just wondering (if there are any techs in this group) if there is a way to detect cf in an ultrasound or not? I have had my anatomy scan already and she said everything looked good so far. Gotta have another ultrasound in two weeks at 24 weeks pregnant cause baby wouldnt cooperate and we couldn't get good measurements of his heart, but I was just curious if you're able detect it on an ultrasound..