Maybe baby?


Sooo for the last few months me and my hubby have gone back and forth about wether or not we want a second baby. We have one daughter and she is absolutely amazing. I little rough lol hence why we go back and forth. Ive been praying about it and started to really think I wanted another one. Well on March second, im pretty sure I ovulated. I always have cramps on the side im ovulating from that month. Didn’t mention anything to the hubby, cause we weren’t “trying”. Later that night we go to bed and hes being sweet rubbing my back and playing with my hair. One thing lead to the other and we started making love. Not just sex but real making love. When he was almost there he whispered is it ok if I finish inside and I said yes. Afterwards he said it just felt right to do so. Now ive got my hopes up and just praying it was God’s plan and that I am. But man am I not liking this two week wait thing haha it took almost 2 yrs just to conceive our first child. Im hoping and praying its not like that this time around lol