I’m convinced my d&c ruined my fertility

Let me start from the beginning:

I got pregnant first try with my son. Considered it luck but so happy. Had an uneventful pregnancy and easy for the most part. He’s 2 now. Then I got pregnant last summer after a fun day with my husband. It was unexpected but we were happy. Unfortunately I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks. My body wasn’t bleeding or cramping or anything. So I chose to go with the d&c after talking with a friend who had to get one due to retained product and said she wished she could’ve done it from the beginning.

So I get the d&c. My first two periods are normal, flow (heavy bleeding that gradually gets lighter to brown spotting by day 6) and length wise. Then January and February have been weird. Cycle is still lasting 6 days but the bleeding can start off as pink spotting to heavy bleeding to brown spotting back to bleeding and then back to brown spotting throughout the cycle within those 6 days. So I was concerned and went to the doctor and asked about potential scarring (asherman syndrome) in my uterus from the surgery she assured me that it was unlikely but she would check with an hsg. Although she felt a cyst during a pelvic exam and wanted me to come back for an ultrasound before the hsg.

So I go in and get told that the cyst ruptured but she found 1cm fibroids but was not concerned about them and they shouldn’t affect anything. And possibly a sub septate uterus. But she isn’t sure and won’t be able to tell until my hsg. But I had a healthy pregnancy so I’m confused on how that would be missed before now?

Can a d&c change the shape of your uterus? Anyone else experience fertility issues after getting one? I’m nervous that I ruined my body.