Needing NICU mom opinions

Lauren • Had my sweet girl 02/22/20 - 5 weeks early due to rare genetic disorder💗 Had my handsome man 09/30/22 - 3 weeks early due to low birth weight💙

I’m needing some opinions from moms who’s babies went home with feeding tubes from the NICU.

Our daughter is able to go home on Wednesday at 38 weeks gestational age but we have to decide from 1 of 2 options.

First option is the tube that’s in her nose that goes to stomach which they’d teach us to put in. The downside to that one is if we make a mistake and put it in wrong and it goes to her lungs, it could be fatal.

The second option is a g tube that goes straight into her stomach. The downside to that is she’d have to go under anesthesia and undergo surgery to have it placed which of course if always a risk and there’s chance of infection.

This is a super hard decision and we’re so scared. What would you do?