Am I right?

Our 6 month old daughter has an ear infection and hasn’t been able to sleep. Yesterday we FINALLY got her to sleep after hours/days of trying. Within 5 minutes of her falling asleep, we got a loud knock at the door. It was salesman. My husband asked them to leave and explained that we had a sleep deprived baby who finally fell asleep. The salesman kept trying to talk anyway so my husband said “I’m sorry” and shut the door. The salesman banged on the door again and my husband opened it and again explained the situation and asked them to leave. The salesman said something like, don’t you want to save some money? And my husband said if he refuses to leave, he will take it as harassment and call the police. The salesman finally got the hint, but I got mad at my husband and told him it was unnecessary to threaten the police on him. I told him I didn’t want to sleep with a mean person, and made him sleep on the couch. This morning he was gone before I even woke up, with a text message saying he needed to clear his head, he was going to his brothers and he’d be home in time for dinner.

Was I right to be mad at him?

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