Drug problems and cutting.......

Hey guys, I'm 26 and a mother of 2. 1 9 year old and one still baking❤. I found out I was pregnant last month and completely stopped doing drugs, my drug of choice was crystal and sometimes weed. As soon as I had the slightest thought that I might be pregnant I stopped doing crystal cold turkey.. it was fairly easy, sometimes i get the urge to do it but i think about my baby and I'm over it. I smoked a bowl of weed last month because i was mentally breaking down and it made me feel 1000x better, i hate that i did it while pregnant but i feared the stress would cause more harm..that's probably not true but I had to do something. I've just broken up with the father of my child, had a family member tell me they care nothing about me, and got into a fight with my bestfriend within 2 days. That caused me to stress completely out and think about smoking but I didnt do it so I cried and cried. I've had a cutting problem for 8 years so I started to cut it made me feel better ... I've been slicing my arm periodically for the past 3 hours and it's making me feel a lot better but I know it's bad, I just need someone to talk to about this. Everyone i bring it up to judges me and tells me I'm overreacting I'm just so frustrated....

Thank you: Thank you guys for uplifting me I'm trying really hard to stay in a good headspace. As long as I keep my babies in mind I know I can do it, I'm checking myself into a facility tonight ❤