How would you feel if you saw this and knew it was about you?


Someone saw me pumping (hands free while driving home from work) and when I got home I saw the post on a page that I’m on that has over 12k members. I knew immediately it was me she saw because 30 minutes before she posted it I was at the crossings to the left of a lady at the stoplight who kept looking over at me. I admit I broke down crying when I saw it. Despite all the awful comments with people asking for make of car, saying it’s indecent exposure in public, etc. there was also so much backlash saying she was bullying and shaming breastfeeding mothers that she said she was never trying to shame anyone and was just surprised to see it, and then she played the victim and said everyone was bullying her. I wish I’d gotten more screenshots because she ended up deleting the post, there where literally guys on there acting like I must have been driving around topples with my tits out everywhere.

I now potentially have 12k creeps watching for me 🙄

Later another member made another post defending me and she got on it and acted like everyone was bullying her lol. I needed up commenting on that one and giving a little education as to why I HAVE to pump in the car.

It’s possible I’m being overly sensitive, but I’m a slave to that pump, exhausted from getting up at 4am every morning, trying to pump often enough to keep up with her demand, and seeing that post just broke something in me for a few minutes.

Now let me just say thank god for Ollie Gray pumping bras, people being very ignorant on the laws, and may you have nerves as tough as the nerves in your nipps!