18DPO.. Losing my mind?


Hey everyone. I am hoping for some baby dust. My hubby and I have only been trying for 3 months now. This time around I'm 18DPO and 4days late of AF with no AF in sight (at least today) I took a pregnancy test this morning -first response- and I'm like 90% Sure it was BFN. My period is pretty regular and the most I've ever been late is 2 days. I already have a dd with my hubby. I'm getting symptoms I've never had the first time around. With my DD my boobs hurt so badd it woke me up out of a dead sleep and I'm a heavy sleeper. This time around I'm slightly nauseous having really bad heartburn and I'm having terrible cramps like worse than period cramps. I guess I'm looking for reassurance that there is still hope I could get that BFP! Thanks in advance.