Help! My 12 month old’s sleep routine is out 👎🏻


Hello everybody! Just wanting a little advice!

So my daughter is 1 in just a few days and recently her nap and nighttime sleep routine is just completely messed up. She used to wake up around 6am, nap between 9.30am - 10.30am just before her dinner at 11.30am, then have another nap at around 1pm - 2pm and then bedtime would be clockwork at 7pm.

BUT, recently, she has been going to bed at the normal 7pm but waking up throughout the night which is leaving her shattered by morning as she stirs throughout the night and then wakes up between 5am - 5.30am, come 8am she is absolutely knackered and has her first nap then and then doesn’t go down again until around 2pm - 3pm. But this can vary, depending how tired she is, it’s never a set routine and I don’t understand where we went wrong? She also went through a phase in the past month of only having 1 nap in the day which just shook things up altogether.

We’ve not been able to schedule a proper routine since this mix up, we haven’t changed anything so I’m a bit confused as of why it’s turned around so drastically.

Any help or advice would be brill.

Just like to add, I read a post yesterday about them having a 45 min nap at 9.30am and then another nap for around 90 mins at 1.30pm, tried this and she stuck to it-ish, bar she slept for around an hour rather than 90 mins, went to sleep at 7.30pm but woke up all throughout the night and woke up at 5.45am. So! Any help! Please! Lol.