So many high chairs- which is the best one? What are your favorite features? If you had an unlimited budget, which would you choose? Pinching pennies? Middle of the road cost vs features?

J 💪 • This is the way.

I'm definitely looking for something easy to clean. Prefer a dishwasher safe tray and no nooks and crannies for food to get stuck in the seat. Easy to operate especially when holding a baby.

I'm a FTM so I don't know what else to look for. I like the Peg Perigo- it tilts back (so they can sleep?), But it is pricey and is this really a useful feature at $299??? We have enough gift cards to get it and if we can use a 20% off coupon we can for sure, but would be nice to stretch our gift cards towards other items, too.

LO is about to be 5 months- how soon should we get one? Or for that matter, get one at all. In other words, does anyone hold baby in their lap and feed them with a spoon with their other hand?