Sex after loss while pregnant


Laura • Mom of 1
Hey guys - someone asked this but didn't get good responses. Have you been having sex while pregnant with your rainbow?  I'm 10 weeks and really want some lovin but we have both been too nervous. 
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I'm 5 weeks & this has been going through my mind a lot lately. I'm still way to nervous. My miscarriage was at 7 weeks so maybe after I get a little past that point. My ultrasound is in 9 days & I'm so nervous I am having a hard time thinking about anything else. I hope all goes well & you get some love'n :)


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Sex isn't going to hurt the baby. We still have sex the norm- like 2-3 times a week and I'm 21 weeks with my rainbow!


Brooke • Nov 3, 2015
Not with this pregnancy at all. I did just barely with my first.


Laura • Nov 3, 2015
Laluna, I feel the same way. Scared of the spotting!!


⚡️LaLuna • Nov 3, 2015
Have you ever had any spotting after? I know it won't hurt the baby but I'm terrified of any spotting


Posted at
I'm 6 weeks and still too scared too. I hear sometimes spotting can happen after sex and if I see any blood I will probably lose my shit. So I'm holding out. Even tho it sucks. My friend is 13 weeks and she said she didn't get brave enough until week 9. We've both had multiple MC