help a girl out!!

a few days ago i got sick, i had diarrhea and i was puking.. i thought it was just a bug because i had a really irregular cycle (it was a week early) and i’m always on time. even when i was on bc. my mom told me to test and i thought she was crazy for even suggesting because there’s no way. well, i tested and i had verrrrrry faint lines. almost to the point where the camera won’t even pick it up, BUT my fiancé and i see them in person.. i know it’s a long shot but what are my chances of being pregnant? other than being sick my lower abdomen (closer to the top of my vulva) is sore, it feels tight, i’m dizzy, always tired and nauseous around 7 every night since throwing up..

i’ll add pics of the test but i’m pretty sure you can’t see anything