My life is a sitcom today

Amanda • IVF mama - 💉 Round 1: 12/16 - 1 embryo, 0 ❄️, fresh transfer - 👦🏼 8/17 - 💉 Round 2: 3/20 - 🚫💔 - 💉 Round 3: 5/20 - 3 🥚 frozen - 💉 Round 4: 9/20 - 7 🥚 frozen

Oh my goodness, you guys. Today has been a day. I just need to talk/vent it out, so this rambling is going to be for my benefit as much as anything else. A little background before I dive in: We are set for retrieval tomorrow, but there is a lot on my husband’s end that is up in the air. He has azoospermia (no sperm), so during our first <a href="">IVF</a> cycle in 2016, he underwent a micro-TESE where the doctor surgically removed sperm. We were (shockingly) able to get enough to freeze five vials, but they won’t give us a percentage chance of them thawing and being usable. So tomorrow, at like 4 am, the embryologist is going into the lab to begin the thawing process. We will get a call at 6:30 that will tell us if we have to go into the clinic immediately so that my husband’s urologist can perform another (less invasive) procedure or if we will just be able to use the frozen sample. If he doesn’t have to have a procedure (🤞🏻), we don’t have to go in until 9:30. Either way, my retrieval will be at 10. This has been a scheduling nightmare for us because if he DOES have to have a procedure, a third party has to drive us home. So my mom is on standby. We also work at the same school, so we’ve had to be very open with our principal about what’s going on.

Yesterday, he comes down with the worst sinus infection he’s had in years. He made it through the day at work, but it was rough. He called out sick today, and the plan was for him to call his mom when our toddler (our first <a href="">IVF</a> miracle) woke up. Well, he coughed so hard that his back spasmed and he fell to the floor in pain and couldn’t get up. He had to crawl to his phone to call his mom. He texted me from the floor of our son’s room and as I was talking to him, our son tried to climb out of his crib for the first time ever. I had to spend half of my prep period on the phone convincing him to stay in bed.

Then I spent half my lunch period on the phone with my nurse, who said my husband may not even be able to get anesthesia tomorrow if he’s sick, which I totally understand. If he can’t have the procedure we will just have to freeze my eggs and hopefully fertilize them at a later time. I spent the other half of my lunch writing sub plans for the next two days and trying to get everything together. Then my husband asked me to get HIS sub stuff together since he was planning to do it today 🤦🏼‍♀️

Last period of the day. Almost there, right? Wrong. Get an email about an emergency faculty meeting after school to discuss plans for remote learning in the event of school closures due to coronavirus. Omg.

Finally leave at almost 6:30. My mom (she’s the best) brings us Chick-fil-a for dinner. My husband usually gives the toddler his bath, but he can’t tonight, so I do it. The water is filled with black particles - dirt? I still don’t know.

It has seriously been a comedy of errors today, but nevertheless, retrieval is tomorrow and I’m stoked!! Hoping for good news with the 6:30 phone call and then lots of quality eggs. If you read all of this, you deserve a god medal.