Wall Street Bailout

Tifani • A&E 👩🏼‍🦲👩🏼‍🦲first time parent, non-binary and proud, 🤰🏽💁🏼‍♂️

*edit* the companies being bailed our are airlines, oil companies, cruise ship companies, and hotels and restaurants. This does not include small mom and pop restaurants, just chain restaurants. A similar bail out took place during 2008 to automotive and banks*

Although this is about political spending, let’s talk more about what we would rather have funded and less about presidents

With 1.5 trillion of tax dollars going to a bail out but social programs being “too expensive”, should Americans get the right to vote on where such a large amount of tax dollars are going?

Personally I think we should get to vote if we are going to war and get to vote on spending this large of an amount of money. Since it’s our money that’s funding these things and many Americans would rather it go to veterans or social welfare programs or paying teachers more or fighting climate change for future generations, should this amount of money be given to Wall Street?.