Ovulation tests

I don’t understand I have two different types f ovulation tests because it seems my cycle is messed up so I wanted to test throughout my whole long ass cycle and the first set I bought only ended up having 10 tests. So I bought a different t kind with 25 tests!

The first set is a low medium high type or can you tell by how dark the line is strip, while the second is a hey you might ovulate one the next 24/48 hours if this line is the same color as the control line.

I’m on day 14 of my 33 day cycle and I’ve used the second kind (there’s more) the last three days and I don’t understand because it seems to say positive. But yesterday I did both and the strips say low chance of ovulating.....like I don’t know what I’m doing and these tests are confusing!!!! 😅😅😅

Anybody have any advice??