IUD pregnancy?


* A little TMI but has anyone been through this with The ParaGard IUD?*

Ok so story, I had my son at the end of September of 2019. Three months later, I got the copper IUD, non hormonal. The first one, dislodged so my doctor took it out and replaced it with a new one. A month later, he checked me and everything looked completely fine with it. Anyway, that was a few weeks ago... but now, I’ve completely missed my whole entire period, although I feel like I’m going to get it. (TMI) I have normal discharge, so that’s very unlike my beginning period when it’s usually dry. I’ve been cramping at random times, but nothing. I took a test last night and big fat negative. When I woke up this morning, there was a little spotting so I assumed I was going to get it, but nope! Back to normal. Has this happened to anyone else? My IUD is the paraguard so it shouldn’t change my flow at all... I don’t feel pregnant, and I got a negative so a little confused on what’s going on... my gyno told me to just test? little distraught