So nervous


My son turned 1 in Jan. My hubby and I were bumping uglies almost 3 weeks ago and our condom busted. It was the day I was supposed to be ovulating so I took a plan B pill because now is not the time to have another baby. However, 3 days ago I started having dark brown discharge light blood, thought it was the start of my period but it’s so light and barely there. My periods are super heavy and not like this. Also, Im so exhausted. Like no energy at all and that’s how I felt with my first pregnancy. Y’all I’m so nervous I’m pregnant but I know it’s way to soon to even take a test. My period wasn’t suppose to start for another week. Has this happened to anyone and they ended up pregnant? I do want more kids just not at this particular time but if I am, the baby will be loved and is meant to be here.

Update*** I bought a test on Saturday and the test must have been defective because even no line showed at all not even the control line. So Sunday I bought another test and it was clearly POSITIVE, I took 2 and they both had two pink lines. Tuesday morning I started bleeding really bad and am having horrible cramps. I called my doctor today and have an appointment next week. I took another test today and it was so faint like barely the second line. So either I’m miscarrying or it was just a chemical pregnancy. I guess I’ll find out next week when I go. I know I said I’m not ready but It didn’t mean I wouldn’t have loved him/her. Now I feel guilty 😭

Picture of test is from Sunday

Today almost nothing was there. I kept the 2 test to show my doctor.