I want a bump!😒😒😒

Am I the only one anxious for a bump? I get so jealous seeing the other ladies that are farther along than me!😭😭😭 I'll only be 8wks Thursday! I wish I could fast forward!
286 views β€’ 6 upvotes β€’ 12 comments



Posted at
I'm anxious as well!! I can't wait to start showing either!! Uhhg I just look like I'm getting fat right now!


Brianna β€’ Nov 3, 2015
Me too!


Posted at
I feel the same.. I have a long way to go.. Only 12 weeks 😫


Claudya β€’ Nov 3, 2015
Yes but it's been a long journey. Found I was pregnant at 2 weeks. And I still have ways to go 😫. I hope it goes fast for you doll


Brianna β€’ Nov 3, 2015
Atleast you're almost in your 2nd trimester! i HATE the first trimester.


Posted at
I was the same way! & didn't get one until I was 26 weeks along πŸ˜’ lol


C β€’ Nov 3, 2015
I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope your bump comes in soon too :) this is our first baby so I def understand the excitement!!!!


Brianna β€’ Nov 3, 2015
I hope I don't take that long! I miscarried in may so maybe having a bump will reassure me that everything will be ok...I already have a 7yr old so a new baby is exciting to me!


Posted at
I was the same way! And now that I've had my baby, I kinda miss it!


Posted at
Me too!! :( The only time I have a bump is when j wake up in the morning, then it turns into bloat =/ But the morning bump/bloat is cute and making me super anxious! (11 weeks 4 days)


Posted at
I want a bump too :( just real small 


Posted at
I'm 20+4 and still waiting on mine.