TTC with PCOS, Hashimoto, and Hypothyroidism


Hi. My name is Addie and I am new to the group. I found out last summer (August 2019) that I have PCOS and a couple years before that I found out that I have Hashimoto. First I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. Also, I had meningitis when I was 7 months old. It caused me to lose my hearing and have a learning disability. It messed up my body to where I didn't start my cycle til I was 18. My husband and I have been ttc for a while now. Probably about 5 or 6 years. My ob-gyn had me on Clomid since last year. We've tried 50mg, 100mg, he even gave me a prescription for 150 mg and I tried it once after my hysteroscopy from August 2019. This cycle he told me to not take it since I was having side effects from the medication. I googled what is the best opk to use when you have Pcos. It said the best thing to do is check your bbt every morning. So, I've been doing that and I don't think I ovulated on my own. I'm so frustrated. What are some ways (tricks, remedies, essential oils, etc.) to ovulate on your own? Many people have told me Geritol will help. What's the best opk to use with all the conditions I have? I've been using clearblue ovulation advanced digital tests. They come up showing I've ovulated but the blood work comes back saying I didn't (levels were 3.4 last cycle) idk what to do anymore. I'm so frustrated. I just want my body to work like it should. My husband told me that if we can't get pregnant everything will still be ok. Thanks y'all for listening. Sorry I vented too much and made this too long. ♥️♥️♥️