Need some insight

Spirit Momma Bursey • Spiritual momma. 6 earthside, 6 as angels but love enough to fill my soul. The end of an era. Newest, and last, little born 02/28/24. Momma loves you all my littles.

So I need some help with my chart. This cycle is off because the “cycle” started with the beginning of my bleeding from a miscarriage (MMC of blighted ovum. D&e done on 02/21- vacuum aspiration).

As of March 7th I no longer had any HCG in my system. So I know the temps before that can be misleading. You can read the chart and see my CM and cervix information also. I know it doesn’t look like I’ve ovulated yet. Glow is stating I have based on positive OPK’s since I’ve been tracking since my bleeding stopped. (Which was 03/01). I will also add my OPK’s. They are starting to get darker now and I’m just unsure if this looks like I might get my period, ovulate or if it looks basically like nothing ay the moment.

Thanks ladies for your insight. We want to conceive ASAP as I’m sure most of you do. I have 4 children but I’ve never planned or tried for them. They just happened, and I was on birth control with them all.

But I’ve also hit my 30’s and will be 34 in less than a month. It took 13 months total with one month of actively trying with OPK’s and CM tracking (this is my first month using bbt and checking my cervix).

Anything you can think of regarding this would be incredibly helpful.

Baby dust to us all! ✨✨✨✨🙏🏻🤞🏻🤰🏻👶🏻💙💗🌈