Toddler peeing on her pants?


Hello ladies, I need some advice because I feel so frustrated at this point. My 3 year old daughter has been potty trained for 9 months already. Since she was 2 1/2, she’s been doing extremely great. Never had an accident at night, maybe 1-2 accidents throughout the day throughout these 9 months but for the most part she’s great at letting me know she needs to use the restroom. Well for the past 2-3 days she’s been having accidents literally one after another. Twice fully and then the other times it’s like her panties are wet but not her pants. I’m not sure if this is normal? I am expecting another baby and I was reading that it happens a lot when you’re expecting like they want to feel like baby themselves again but I don’t know how true that is. Any mommas wanna give a frustrated 8 month pregnant momma some advice? 🥴