I figured it out


Now I figured out why I'm grumpy and tired every damn morning. My fucking husband snoozes his alarm for about 2 hours, gets up and turns on all the lights, makes as much noise as possible and then jets off the work as he starts his diesel truck. Has been doing this ever since little one was born. I couldn't put my finger on it and was wondering why the hell I'm always so damn tired. I will tell you one of my pet peeves is to be woken up before my body is ready. My baby is different story and as I mother I know my dutys. My husband constantly wakes me up either for sex, or clearing of his throat or just his alarm fucking 2 hours of snooze. I'm seriously bout to sleep in another room. I'm a stay at home mom and lately I just haven't found the energy to anything. Not fair to my child 😭😭😭😭, ok rant over I think haha. Have a great day everyone 😊😊😊