Elderly Hours at Grocery Stores


What do y’all think about this? Some stores have implemented or are considering implementing hours of operation strictly for elderly-in some cases, 60+ years of age.

I not only think this is a good idea to keep elderly away from carriers who may be out and about while sick, or asymptomatic, but it will allow them access to the groceries and toiletries that are flying off the shelves.

Do you think this is going too far (like ageism of some sort) or would you support this?

**I know many of you have seen my comments and/or posts and you might think I’m not taking this seriously. I want to assure you, I am. My dad is 60, he has asthma, and both my parents are diabetic. I have an 8 month old baby and I am currently pregnant. The only thing I disagree with is the mass panic involved. Sometimes panicking is more dangerous than a virus. I am not underplaying the virus itself, it’s just my personal opinion that the hysteria is getting out of control, if not already.**

Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Here are screenshots from CNN.