Stomach Issues

I’ve been having the worst stomach issues for the past week. I thought at first it was dairy, but I don’t think that’s the cause anymore because it’s afrer I eat ANYTHING... 1-3 hours after I eat I get the worst stomach pain in my life. Its at the top of my stomach mostly, crampy, gassy, extremely bloated, diarrhea, occasional vomiting (2 days in 5 days), burning sensation. I stopped birth control (pill) about 3 weeks ago, which I don’t know if it has any factor in this but just saying incase. I have tried all medicines, gas x, pepto, antacid, and i’m doing the prilosec 14 day treatment because both of my parents have chronic acid reflux issues, which is what I was thinking it could be me. & NOTHING IS HELPING. i’m going to the doctor Thursday morning, but curious if anyone could help provide some relief until then? 😅😓