Did she really just say that?!


So I understand how this virus is impacting the world. Yes I see the news. I’m 38 weeks pregnant I’m focusing on my baby and being excited for him to be born... well my sister has been tagging me in the posts about the virus.... I asked her to stop because I already see them and I don’t want to have more anxiety over it I want to focus on the happy. Well in my town 3 cases were just confirmed. So she sent me like 10different articles. And then she said “right now is the WORST time in history to have a baby! Legit only you would have a baby right now! It’s like a Jewish woman having a baby in the concentration camp gas chamber! What do you think is gonna happen”

That comment made me actually sick. And I told her that I will be blocking her and if she wants to talk she can apologize in person... and she claims to be Christian 🙄

And it’s not like I can get my mom to deal with her. We have a weird family. I’m adopted. My big brother is adopted and she is his biological sister but their bio mom didn’t put her up for adoption but she would spend holidays and spring break and parts of the summer with us. But she was raised by her mom. My brother (her bio brother) doesn’t even refer to her as his sister he calls her his cousin and me his sister (we were full on raised together) I call her my sister because growing up she and I were close and I felt sorry for her so I tried to make her feel included. She’s always been rude to me and said rude comments to me. But this was by far the worst.