Stocking up c

Y'all do realize, if stores can't keep up with stock and families can't feed their kids or change their babies diapers. The government will be forced to declare martial law and activate National Guard to take over all food and supplies. We'll be given rations of toilet paper and food by the Red Cross until this is all under control. Country wide curfew, mass quarantine, multiple check points, your every movement being questioned. People will still go to work and all. It'll be mostly for supply control so people can get food, diapers, and basic hygiene. But, also attempt to limit/"discourage" movement to limit spread.

And the same idiots that caused this will be the first to accuse Trump of a setup for total government take over. When in reality it's your freaking fault. I give it 24-48hrs, not much more if it is. If families can't eat or have proper hygiene, Trump will have no choice. He can't let Americans starve, martial law is inevitable. Unless this is resolved overnight by magic leprechauns. You did it to yourselves people. I hope it resolves itself and I'm wrong.