My advice: Advocate for yourself.

Listen: my husband can do his job 100% from home. He works for the federal government and they have been dragging their feet about allowing people to work remotely in the midst of this crisis. Yesterday he completed the training and submitted his certificate, as they said you had to do this to request to telework. They also said not everyone would be eligible. He was told by his boss he would be denied.

This morning, he was told that only those with school-aged kids at home or an underlying health condition could work from home. He then told his boss he would like to utilize leave, as he did not want to be put at risk and I was putting a lot of pressure on him to isolate (which is true). His boss talked to the colonel and they were going to make an exception. hour later everyone was told they could work from home until April 7th (I expect this to be extended).

Point being... it is ridiculous that people who CAN work from home are being told they can’t. It’s important as many people isolate as possible to slow the spread of this virus. We don’t want to overwhelm the healthcare system. I realize some people cannot work from home. My heart breaks for them, but I am thankful for all they do. We need to protect that population by staying home when we can.

Be your own advocate. Your health and safety is important. You are important. If you CAN work remotely, please fight for your right to do so.