What can we do?UK

So schools have just closed here in the UK and I'm really worried that it will affect my daughters progress(although off course its necessary at this point). She will be 4 at the end of June and is in nursery. It took so long to get her comfortable around other kids and new adults and now I'm worried that the schools could be closed until September and she'll have a hard time adjusting in a whole new class, new teachers and class mates she wont have seen for months. I'm worried she'll miss her friends or interaction with kids in general, she'll have no idea why she cant see her friends and it makes me so sad, I actually want to cry. It sounds so stupid considering everything that's going on. Also what can I do or buy to help her continue to learn at home? We've got pencils, paper etc.

I'm sorry if this whole post sounds super pathetic considering the awful things that are happening around the world right now but I just want to do right by her during this time.