Quintuplets have arrived (birth story)

Hannah • First time Mom to quintuplets 👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👼🏻👶🏻 one of them is in heaven PCOS sufferer

Thursday March 5th I was scheduled to have my 25 week growth ultrasound. About 2 hours before my appointment I started bleeding a little bit and decided to skip the appointment and just go to the hospital. They checked my cervix and I was dilated at a 2 so they decided to admit me and monitor me for a few days. I was given a medication to prevent/slow down contractions. I was hooked up to a contraction and monitor and they told me I was having quite a few contractions, but I didn’t feel them at all. After about an hour of being admitted I felt my first contraction and then another, and another, and another. I had 7 contractions within 30-40 minutes with each one getting stronger. They checked my cervix and I was now at a 3, they decided to call the doctor. Nurses and the anesthesiologist all came flooding into my room prepping me for a c-section. I was given 3 IV’s one with magnesium (that stuff is wicked), the epidural, some nasty sour stuff I had to drink, a shot in my arm (no idea what for), a steroid shot in the butt, and tons of blood drawn.

I don’t remember much from the OR. The babies all came out within 3 minutes. There was about 50 people in the room. I felt a lot of tugging during the delivery it was a very odd feeling. The doctors said the surgery couldn’t have gone better.

Once in the recovery room I puked my guts out and they brought the babies in their incubators for me to see them before they were transported to children’s hospital just down the street. Baby D, my tiny one, was struggling and they wanted to transport her right away, but she stabilized and I was able to meet her.

As soon as I got up to my regular room I got a call telling me to have my husband get to Children’s hospital right away Baby D was in really bad shape. They told us we should pick a name for her, she may not make it through the night. My husband kept calling me with updates and after hours she was finally stabilized and he came back with me so we could get some sleep. Bright and early in the morning he was called back, she was having a really rough morning but yet again she stabilized. I was given a day pass from the hospital so I could leave and go visit my babies. Baby D was still not doing great but she was stable, everyone else was doing great. Saturday I convinced my doctor to discharge me early and I spent the whole day at the hospital with the babies. We were told they wanted to do a head ultrasound because Baby D’s blood was very low despite several transfusions and they suspected a brain bleed.

Sunday morning I got the worst phone call of my life. My little girl had a grade 4 brain bleed and lots of fluid in her brain and she also had malformed lungs. They told us by keeping her on the ventilator it would only prolong the inevitable and she couldn’t survive. Sunday afternoon our precious angel went to heaven.

The babies are now 2 weeks old tomorrow and everyone is doing well. They’ve all had their little hiccups but overall for being 25 weekers they’re doing good.

March 5th, at 25 weeks 2 days our sweet little miracles arrived💗💗💙💗💙

Philomena Rose 1lb 9.4oz

Evangeline Margaret 1lb 10.5oz

Gideon Michael 1lb 12.7oz

Meredith Theresa 1lb 4.3oz

Elliot Sebastian 1lb 11oz