I have COVID-19

Hey beautiful people!

So I live in the Portland OR area but on the Washington side. Washington has been hit pretty hard by the Corona virus. All of our restaurants and bars have shut down, stores have shorter hours, and basic human need products are very very scarce.

I personally am a banker at a bigger bank, and they have done AMAZING with supplying us with gloves and sanitizer and they even cut our hours to protect us; while still paying us for the time we would have worked.

I have had a really bad sinus infection since February 10th. I took antibiotics and nothing has helped. Over the course of about this past week I just started feeling worse and worse. I got a low grade fever and was coughing so so much. I didn’t think to much of it bc I’ve been fighting this sinus infection forever.

I was sent home from work today, and went to the doctors. My husband and I were not too concerned- just thought they might try something new to clear out my sinuses. But as soon as we get there and the nurse sees me cough the whole dynamic changed. All doctors and nurses started coming in with masks and gowns and hardly wanted to touch me. (Honestly that freaked me out more than anything). They tested me for influenza, and it was negative.

The doctor said I most definitely have a sinus infection AND COVID-19.

Here’s the kicker- I have a lot of problems with my immune system. It’s really hard for me to even fight off a cold, let alone anything else. No matter the tests they do on me they can’t ever find a reason why I get sick so easy and so badly. BUT THE DOCTORS SAID- “oh your young” (I’m 21) “you’ll be fine”.


All they told me was to stay home for two weeks and take medicine to help with the fever.

I won’t get paid time off without actually showing my HR I tested positive for it. Even though the doctors are 100% sure I have it. And I won’t be allowed to go to work, and my husband has to stay home too from his two jobs and NO ONE will pay him unless he tests positive. But because we are young we won’t officially be tested.

And HOLY HECK, I’m so sick. It’s not as bad as I thought it’d be but it’s not fun. No worse than getting influenza really really bad.

I hope everyone is safe out there 💕💕 stay healthy y’all 💕💕