Please help!💜


Super long, im sorry!!

So it all started the day i had sex December 3rd ever since then my period has been so different and my body. I tested for everything all negative. Around December 29th i got so sick i woke up nauseous all i was doing was throwing up!! Felt like i had a stomach bug which usually last 24h because your stomach digest it usually but not for me so i was dying the whole day pretty much then the 30th i was fine!! Nothing no nausea i was eating regularly. New years <a href="">eve</a> comes and im nauseous again and i wanted to throw up. Neg pregnant test. Gyno said it was early to test. Anyways i missed my period for December January comes i get my period earlier than usual and it’s heavier than usual, February comes long cycle heavy and spotting came early as well and now march i was so nauseous and every smell made me sick it came early and heavy but last my regular 5 days. I keep going to doctors all they can say that it’s my weight when deep down I know it’s something else. My friends keep freaking me out saying that i can be pregnant because her mom found out when she was 4 month she had the same thing as me and heavy period. My lower stomach is firm and i have pressure on my uterus. It can be anything and I’m scared but no doctor is willing to check me! Any advice will be appreciated ❤️(: btw i was on birth control like 2 years ago and once I stopped a month later my period was regular!! So idk help