My 3.5 year old still wakes up every four hours at night

It’s usually just for something stupid..... then she’s up by 5 am for the day.

Oh and she doesn’t do it if she’s at her dads house or her grandparents house. Only with me. Why. I really hate my life. THREE AND A HALF. and I’m up all night like I have a newborn. Anyone have any advice. Tried the ready to wake clock. Doesn’t work.

If I ignore her she just screams and we have neighbors who get mad. If I tell her to go back to sleep or play in her room when she’s up at 5, she won’t. shell just yell and cry.

For example she woke up at 5 and I told her it wasn’t time to get up yet and left her in her room and she screamed so loud she started choking. I’m not sure how that’s spoiling her to the person who commented that and then deleted it...